Brock Lesnar skyller sitt positiva dopningstest på fotkräm och ögondroppar
Brock Lesnar testade positivt efter sin match mot Mark Hunt. Lesnar är för tillfället avstängd från att tävla men har ännu inte fått sitt straff, och nu meddelas det att Brock och hans team misstänker fotkräm och ögondroppar för det positiva dopningstestet.
Detta hade advokaten Howard Jacobs att säga, via ”MMAJunkie”:
We are still investigating this matter (which investigation includes the ongoing testing of products used by Mr. Lesnar prior to the date of the positive test). To provide further detail, I am advised that the testing laboratory (Korva Labs) initially tested an eye medication, which was negative for either clomiphene or clomiphene metabolites. Subsequent testing has been conducted on a foot cream; that testing has included three separate extraction attempts, all of which have failed. A fourth extraction attempt is being made by Korva Labs this week.
As you may be aware, testing of such creams can be a difficult process, as the extraction process can be significantly complicated by both a complex matrix and interfering substances. Until a successful extraction can be accomplished, this product cannot be tested for contamination with clomiphene or clomiphene metabolites. For this reason, the extraction failures to date provide no indication as to whether or not this cream is contaminated with clomiphene or clomiphene metabolites.
I assure you that we have been diligent in our investigation and testing, and that the requested delay is not being sought for any improper purpose. If the hearing can be rescheduled to a mutually agreeable date in November, I am confident that we can be prepared so that the case can be heard on the merits at that time.
Lesnar besegrade ursprungligen Mark via ett enhälligt domslut, ett matchresultat som med största sannolikhet kommer ändras till en ”no contest”.