Michael Bisping kallar Chris Weidman för ”Fucking douchebag”
Michael Bisping lyckades försvara sitt mellanviktsbälte på UFC 204 när han besegrade veteranen Dan Henderson via enhälligt domslut på hemmaplan i Manchester under den gångna helgen. Många hade dock Hendo som vinnare och tyckte inte att Bisping imponerade med sin insats. Bisping bryr sig dock inte om kritiken, och i det senaste avsnittet av podcasten ”UFC Unfiltered” berättar att han inte ser något kontroversiellt med domslutet.
Let’s be honest, he had two big moments in the fight and other than that it was safe sailing. I controlled the entire fight apart from the end of the first round and towards the end of the second round when he had a couple of big moments. I was confident I got the decision, but still when it goes to the judges you never know.
Många av Bispings kritiker har varit övriga UFC-kollegor, bl.a. Chris Weidman, som tycker att Hendo gjorde tillräckligt för att ta hem segern. Till kritikerna har Bisping inte något till övers för, speciellt inte Weidman.
They can all kiss my ass. Weidman is of course going to say that because he can’t be objective. His views are skewed because he doesn’t like me and because he is a competitor. Of course, there are others there that are just Dan Henderson fans and they’re absolutely crazy. They aren’t professional judges, they’re just fans of Dan Henderson and not of me. They are looking at it through rose-tinted spectacles.
The impartial judges that are paid to do it they all saw the fight for me. It wasn’t a split decision it was a unanimous one. As I said he has two good moments in a twenty-five minute fight. For the rest of it he was backing off the whole time. He had his two good moments but they were too little. You can’t win a twenty-five minute fight by landing two good shots
På frågan om Bisping kan tänka sig möta Weidman, svarar Bipsing ja. Dock måste Weidman besegra kubanen Yoel Romero först.
There’s that whiner, that crybaby, if Chris Weidman wants to do it then I’m more than happy. If he smashes through Romero next month then let’s do it–I’m happy. If he thinks I’m ducking him then that’s crazy because I’ve never ducked anyone in my life. I’m certainly not going to start with that f**king d**chebag.
If wants to do it then yeah come on. If he wants to try and wrestle me to death then he will find himself getting punched in the face repeatedly. Dan Henderson was a tough ask but I’ll finish Chris Weidman for sure.
Weidman möter Romero den 12:e november på UFC 205 i New York.